Hamzeh Mahmoudi

Backend Developer

Email: Hamzehmahmoudi9@gmail.com

Phone: +989016850828

About Me

im Hamzeh, i write codes and intrested in computer science. I have a passion for learning and I am always trying to improve my skills and Learn new programming Language. Im working with python since 2017 and i tried django and flask at 2020 and i am learning more and more. I am fammiliar with other programming and languages and tools like :

  • PHP
  • redis
  • Laravel
  • Docker
  • Go
  • Rust
  • JavaScript




Open Source Freelancing Web Application Using Django

me and my friend MahanFarzaneh developed using django. you can read more in project repo ( ‘the code is messy but it works ;)’ )



Customer relationship management app that can help you manage your sales and customers

developed using Django an it has many featues like that you can see in the project repo.



i did it when i was learning django

its a online shop with its own blog

Contact List

Contact Lis

it's ain't much but it's honest work

i wrote this to chalenge myself while i was learning django




September 2021 - March 2022

Link to company (optional)

watch the candles ,get signal ,trade

i was working on a trade bot that could trade crypto currencies using the exchange API.


Kermanshan University of Technology

Computer Engineering

2019 - present

Bachelor degree

A Little More About Me

This is where you can write a little more about yourself. You could title this section Interests and include some of your other interests.

Or you could title it Skills and write a bit more about things that make you more desirable, like leadership or teamwork